Thursday, May 24, 2012

Green Cleaning

In microbiology class, we tested the effectiveness of various household cleaners by spreading them out on agar plates and watching if microorganisms would grow. Choices were Fabuloso, bleach, and 70% isopropyl alcohol. They were all very effective. Considering however, the toxic side effects of regular household cleaners, 70% isopropyl alcohol is a MUCH better option, because it's a wonderful disinfectant (no wonder it's used as an antiseptic). Did I mention that it's the best window cleaner ever? It leaves it clean with no marks, and works just as well as regular window cleaners. Stores offer a huge clutter of various cleaning supplies that you seem to need for every different surface, but there are much simpler solutions.

For windows, glass, and other surfaces, 70% isopropyl alcohol works splendidly. 70% works better than 90%. Just pour into a spray bottle and use. :)
Another natural option: white distilled vinegar for just about anywhere: cabinets, floors, bathroom stalls, toilet seats, sinks, etc. Mix 1:1 white distilled vinegar: water in a spray bottle. Its acidity kills bacteria and fungus. It has a very strong smell, so don't clean with it right before visitors come, but after it dries, the smell disappears. :) Therefore, it's simpler to limit your cleaning products down to what's really necessary, and bleach and other toxic cleaners are used for the very rare emergency cases. :)

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